January, sick and tired you've been laughing at me...ah the classics..... oh oh oh it's magic, too much Spotifying can have injurious consequences. Well we've all had some weather and here perched on the Monts d'Arree we've had our share and a few other Republics share of rain, almost flooded out by the creeping rise in the water table, up 3 metres and sploshing at the front back door, blew the pump off the Fosse but under enough water to keep 2 pumps a pumping for a week before it could be repaired...hang on...you're probably not here to have your ears bent by the travails of rural living but like Gloria Gaynor well, I will survive (spotify again) and the galvanised bucket of ablutions is once more returned to the barn. Oh yes photography. Well just back from a jaunt to the UK, not much snapping done, one day in the Huelgoat woods doing long exposures...meh...oh and some mashing and flailing about in Photoshop. So my book cover agent mails me and enquiring if at some opportune moment may one remove ones posterior from that galvanised bucket and mash up a few of those images that have been known to frighten the horses as he's sold some and folk are about as interested in what's left as last weeks school dinner boiled cabbage. So here is a selection which may, at some point in their digital lives, be snapped up, have fonts spread all over them in an enticing blend that will help them fly off the shelf or out of Amazons warehouse....or not.
Oh there's a link at the bottom to some new stuff on Getty which most certainly will not frighten any horses.
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What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories