Still sounding like a bad impression of Darth Vader with Bronchitis..thanks for'll pass or kill me....meh..
Anyway Getty and Istock shooters have you had the call yet ????.....had mine this they want me to up mobile phone shots to Getty Image moments...yes mobile shots...lets just have a ponder..... world's biggest image libraries wanting to market and make money out of mobile shots...well whoopy doo if they sell any of mine but surely an overstuffed market of images will have it's seams sorely tested by something like this, jaded picture buyers and editors screaming 'ENOUGH.....' dedicated SLR shooters tossing D800's into the bin and studio managers mothballing gear...okay, it's not the end of the world and if I was a big image library I'd want as many good selling images on my books as possible, for them it's a big no lose situation, regular image suppliers will see this as a way of clawing back sales and picture buyers will look upon these images as being, (besides stealing off the net) the cheapest way to get some images into their online content... so does that make everyone happy??? Well maybe it says more about the rocketing upward curve of quality available from a phone, I still salute and am in awe of the quality of image produced by the Nokia 925 that those folk at Nokia gave me to play with and with all the Post production toys available in phone or on a computer it's relatively easy to 'stylize' an image so is this the tipping this along the lines of when George Eastman introduced the Kodak Box Brownie and the democratisation of photography was born, an explosion of images and, as a bonus, all the peripheral business that expanded with it, mounts, labs, competitors, frames, retailers and hadware..... Here's link to the app...apparently you have to have you're Getty log in details to make it work but have a look as this could be the future of Online Image Libraries... Moments I started this off with Maximise, and that really is what I try and do with any shoot these days, so from Spain, I had the holiday snaps which are now on Snapfish, the 'arty' stuff which goes on here, the stock images which will be on alamy later and the book cover images that will be off on their way as soon as i finish this. So when I'm out with the camera I'm always on the look out for images that will fit into certain areas, which is all about maximising your time, your camera time, give it a are some Book cover shots about to go off...
Persistant chesty cough so off for an x-ray...thought I'd take the Nokia 925 and do a bit of editing 'in camera' to while away the time. Well...super efficient NHS had me in and out in 10 minutes so only had the briefest of times to use the editing tools in the Nokia but here are some of the examples. So...using the radialand tilt shift blur options ..which are so nice and easy to use...touch the are then squeeze or pinch the sharp are and let ht ephotne do the rest..quick and saves as a separate file. First 2 had some o the overlay presets in the Creative Studio...first one is amber the second Ivory. All very fast and you can always zip back to the original file and try something else.
Okay a quick post from todays faffing. Plastic mixing bowl, a bit of material...Nokia 925 and you get this sort of thing..... So it looks like layer work in Photoshop but just a bit of left field thinking with an old mixing bowl and a piece of gauze borowed from my much better halfs stockpile.
First really is a lovely piece of kit thinner than the 920 but I did like, no really like the Ferrari Red of that one. Still this has an understated feeling of quality, if it were mine I'd have to get a tough as boots case for it as it would join the rest of my kit in a 'chuck it in the bag' style that I usually adopt when out taking snaps. So lets have a look at few snaps from the dear old thing. Down on the allotment as I had a lot of manure spreading to do before this interminable sun dried it all out. Now the only thing I've found that could be a slight annoyance is focus hunting in close up macro shooting, there is a slight amount of vignetting, f2 and close up work gives a nice soft fall off, just make sure you hit that focus sweet spot..and of course they are Jpegs...... so if you blow things out ..well there really is nothing to bring back in any PP work. Even in bright sunlight the screen gives a really good image although the focus indicator can suffer a bit. Of course there are all the lens apps that come with the phone and I'll have a fiddle about with those later
Charging was straight forward and fast and image download was very speedy. If you have skydrive then you can get your images synced and the whole process is fast and easy> So first impression, fast, keep it in auto and you can snap and snap and.... clear screen even in challenging conditions, camera access even when locked, a useful bunch of tools pre loaded....hmmmm what's not to like as a point and shoot replacement...point and shoot is a is a creative tool and I hope to show over the next few posts how you can push things and create some different and creative images...... You know that thing you do, yes you do, that thing,........ you get so excited about unboxing and getting playing with a new toy that the instructions stay in the bottom of the box unopened.... well I read them and went online and's a shocker..learnt how to use the lens menus...and above you can see some of the results from some very low light level close-up work last night.
Makes me start to wonder why some of the DSLR big guns sell and manufacture big dobbing tubes of metal and glass (and plastic) when in a teensy weeny grouping of Carl Zeiss wonder you can get quite startling image files. Okay get up close and personal with these image files and things look a bit shakey, but that really is up and very close, say 300% viewing I'd say it's sensor resolution rather that lens so I'm pretty keen to take a look at the 'EOS Phone...the Nokia 1020 with it's 41 megapixel light harvester that , I think will probably make camera manufacturers start binning all their point and shoot cameras, or at least get their cameras to accept phone ..that would be silly...imagine having a high spec camera that also is fully connected to this old interweb universe...imagine!! Hmmmm starting to for most of us the 925 will give you image files that in close up mode will give you a pretty decent A4 print...if anyone actually prints from their phones and of course sparkly crispy images to flaunt around the internet and send to your virtual social media buddies. I'll leave you with one shot this very morning in my front garden |
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories