For some of you, maybe the vast majority, Passepartout is probably synoymous with that knockabout french sidekick in 'Around the world in 80 days' but, and lets go all wibbly wobbly timey whimey here...back in the day when my hair was conker coloured, flared trousers weren't a fashion statement but the only thing available and television finished at 11.55 pm, I used to 'Passepartout' many a picture but then come the mid 80's clip frames started to flood the market and by 1989 Passepartout tape had ceased to be manufactured.not many tears at it's passing...I know...get on with if you are my frequent reader then you'll know I'm just back from France where I was on a bit of a mission and lo and behold , I came across a photographers work that was all in Passepartout.... okay time to explain passepartout. rather than a frame to hold the glass, image and back together there is the application of a linen gummed tape around the edges to hold things together..simple eh??..faffy most certainly..not much use on anything over 10 x 8 inches.
Back to the plot, these images over in that there France did look, well to me, rather I thought I'd ask Mr Google if he knew of any Passepartout that might still be out there...and like a faithful retriever bringing back a manky tennis ball, dropping the ball at your feet and then rolling over for a tummy tickle, Mr Google spat out a list of wiki things, duff technical Pdf specs and all manner of historical and useless information...rolled over and waited for a tummy tickle...meh So still having contacts in the Wonderful world of Framing I managed to source some tape, from Germany... so it's on it's way propelled by the mighty power of t'internet and Deutsche'll be here on friday which will be just in time as I'm at Heaton Moor Producers Market this Sunday but more of that on fridays blog... so as you see after an absence of decades I will resurrect the art of passepartout...there may be some potty mouth language initially but it's in my genes, not those flared ones from the 70's though
Why..??? well I,ve been looking for a site that would take the images that I think best sum up what I'm seeing at the moment and what I think will have some kind of life as a 'retail fine art photograph' Okay it's all in the eye of the beholder but I will be cherry picking what goes on and give it a push on here and through other outlets. Nice to have the option of somewhere that can handle print and downloads in a sensible and fair kind of way......which probably means I'll be spending less time uploading to flickr. Now I like flickr as it gives me access to Getty, who , god bless 'em have taken over 25% of the images i have on there but at the moment the way I'm seeing and presenting images dosn't fit that Getty style of stock image and as I've not had the nudge to upload any more to them for the last 5 weeks it looks like we concur...
So 500 px will have the quirkiest of the quirk, it does contain an awful lot of oddly saturated landscapes and a lot are given probably too much polishing with the Photoshop rag but there are some gems in there. This is me on 500px Well that was an exciting crossing, Bit like being on an enormous version of the Wild Mouse going there and on the way back...hmmm well all those French Rugby fans made it an 'intresting' journey coming back with their singing , stamping and chanting...come on Wales..stuff all I have to add.
Business done over there and had a few days when the weather turned peachy to take a few snaps and also check out a lot of galleries dotted about Brittany, you can teach an old dog new tricks as I saw some ways of presentation that , well maybe, only the French could dream up...I will be stealing in my best plagiarising way some of them... Images to follow.. computer grinding away as it (finally) gets another of my WWPW2013 prizes .so will the NIK EFX collection change the way my images appear...well Silver Efx may do that to my Mono stuff but until I rummage around in there...well who knows!! Okay as it's a google product it shut down the lot and after a while, I'm back again... so I'll buzz of and go and see what NIK software can do for me what no other software can.... but in the mean time... 500 px seems to want, and now does , licence some of my images, as well as have them there for retail purposes which is nice..I think I'll jump a bit more into 500px as it does sem to suit the ..ahem..'quirky' style of image making I'm doing at the moment, wallet out time for a subscription then.. almost fainted as Getty pulled their finger out and sold something last month...was there an R in the month???? So time to download some more french stuff, I've gone back a bit on the technique front and done quite a few, double exposures...yes just the 2 multi's..some looked good but what do I know until we go full screen could be bin to find out... Morlaix, Huelgoat, Roscoff...and odd bits of countryside..I will whip them all up into a souffle of quirkyness... I know, just back from Spain so now off to France for a quick break to see some folk and get some things sorted out there. Who knew the weather would break...we've booked seats rather than beds just in case it was a roller coaster trip, I reckon we'll be up all night anyway as it's bound to be rough.... back Thursday ..I still have a load of Breton images unprocessed from last time I went in day I'll get them all done. So just cleaned the sensor and given everything else a wipe and once over and the Meteo report looks like it will be sun and showers.... can't ask for better... thanks to all you new folk who are popping by as well So I'll try and find some from Novemebers trip to round things off... oh got another new technique to try out when I get back...looks promising...
so no video toot recording...anyone would think I was on 40 a day.... So lets have a look at some multi image stuff... newbies here's a link on how to set up your camera... multi image shooting 2 parts to it and once you have it all set up the only tricky thing is to get your head around it and then use it in a creative here are some from a couple of weeks back. So it's a usable technique from shooting in a stationary position to also being on the move and say taking a shot every 4 paces, let the camera do all the work and well here is a big freebie hint, if your camera has the option of using an EV dial, check your menu system, then I dial in -2 EV...effectively under exposing the shots and once the camera starts to 'layer' them up you'll find that the image will get lighter. Okay you may not want to use the EV option but it works for me and more importantly when I check my histogram, which you should do as you shoot, I get no blown highlights and as I shoot RAW I know that when things are upped into Lightroom or CS6 or CC I have a full range of tonality to work with...if that sounds like Photoshop bollocks then email me and I'll try and break it down and if I stop coughing the I'll try and get an explanatory video online...
So if you want to try this start with 2 shots...but think about it...composition gets a teensy bit more head scratchy as you are having to do that thing...yes the work of the devil......... imagineering, pre visualising...taking a punt on how it will turn out...don't take rubbish home, delete but get better each time and think before shooting...hey I make it sound can be frustrating but ultimately rewarding... time for a fishermans friend... If you have Photoshop you will find that there are great swathes of it that you'll never use, it's so big, so powerful and if working with Photographs is your thing, well there's enough in there to keep you fully occupied without wandering off into 3D, graphics, design, type....or painting...Now then, I'm running CS6 on this old clunker of a desktop of mine and although I've loaded up maximum RAM and have a host of scratch disks spinning, my graphics card has always adopted the position of reclining on a chaise longue having peeled grapes on tap whilst everything else has been working themselves into a white hot maelstrom of solder melting intensity..until recently that is. So the expiration of said graphics card meant I have had to search about for something that will fit in with this old antique of mine yet pump up the volume on the graphics front and after trawling many a nerdy forum I have this new AMD enhanced GL card carrying it's own ram , quietly flexing it's knotted steel pecs and generally making working in CS6 more yabbadabbado than yabbadabbadon't, I know...get to the point...well I've done some painting in this past but now I feel that I have a machine capable of keeping up with what I want to do and working with me in real time.... so here's the first.... and if we get in lets take a look at that brushwork.... I reckon that this has some legs in the Portrait field and today...after another bout of taking stuff to the local tips...I will crack on. If , at some stage soon, if I manage to get on top of this Chest infection and stop hacking, then I'll start some video tutorial stuff, might be a week or so as my chesticles are still being attacked by whatever Spanish bug I sucked in...... until the next time.....
Just a little nudge here...if you do use any of the techniques and stuff in my videos please add a link back to the tutorial... this is for everyone to try...there's some folk out there not doing it...just like i do share it out. chuffing coughing as this infection moves around my chest cavity like a holding midfielder in search of the ball....although i did sleep through last night.... I know, not really very intresting is it......onwards then Some old skool architectural type stuff to start is Ronda in the Andalusian hills, air so fresh it gives you apple cheeks by just brushing past you, sunny by 'oh my lord' we wrere down to about 2 degrees C so every time you went into an area out of direct sunlight...well it was chuffmongously chilly.... So with this mono I actually took some of the contrast out of it, the light was so harsh, it had just finished raining and the air was so clear. Did some crazy wide angle pano's that I'll get around to faffing with soon...vertical ones!!!! Anyhow the next one is where i stayed for 5 of the days, Gaucin, upin the hills and the tightest roads and sharpest inclines I've ever encountered, great place although the tapas weren't brilliant they were passable.... Taken from the top of Castillio d' I managed to get to the top I rang the bell...highlight of the holiday
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories