Those nimble brained amongst you, well that should be most of you, will have noticed the 'Latest Images', Useful information and Store pages have gone west, never to return... just a bit of tidying up of the place. I have so many images in the can and I'm not doing 'work' stuff like I should be so it may seem that I'm ignoring you, not doing things I'd promised...opps the Polaroid toot....but as I live in this rather wonderful part of France and have had lots of guests/social dos/ trips to the beach/ beaucoup de travail dans la ferme to contend with...well things are a little out of chunter...'s only going to get back to England for a 'Howdy Doody, nice to see you again' session.back over here and then the floodgates of visitors starts....I'll start charging....maybe get some tent's up in the top meadow...hmmmm...anyhow some new ones from Carantec Beach...not the lovliest but some snapping opps to be found.
For the keen eyed you may have had a peruse of yesterdays blog about taking stock and going back somewhere with a clear idea of what you might want to get...photographically. Well back in November when we first came over farm hunting, the place we stayed at said that we should have a look at the local sculpture park...'It's barking mad' they we did and the weather was as gloomy as chufferey and I knew I had to come back and I knew how I wanted to shoot them.... so another new Gallery..Vallee des Saints is now up and online but because of all the light banging about I had to use an ND110 and ND3..yes that's slowing things down by 13 stops..I also experimented and did 4 shots at 30seconds and gave them this treatment in Photoshop..look closely and it's the one that the clouds appear to have developed a six pack. Okay I'll post it... In other news Getty are letting us contributors keyword our own images...duhhhh..but their system has always worked in the past and I have picked up many tips about how to do keywording the pro way from looking at how they set about keywording my online stuff...buggerpants part of it is I just sent up 60 images yesterday and they probably wont appear for Eons until they get keyworded. So from 20.00 gmt tonight a new Getty portal opens and I for one will have a fist full of keywords ready to go.
At the moment every time I take a trip out around this pretty spectacular French countryside I get '2 Brain syndrome' brain is seeing the potential shot, the light the angles, time of day, color, mono...the other is telling me ICM, in camera multi, Infra Red, ND110, time lapse may have it as a way it's quite healthy but I do have to do one thing and that is keep my finger off the trigger, stow that camera in the bag and take a big breath in and amalgamate all this Photographic input into some coherent plan and , as older readers of this flannel may have noted, do some coherent visual story telling... I find that I will better represent subject matter if I go back fo a second visit and that most images taken on a first shoot almost act like a sketchbook, I can look at them and analyse angles, if they would look better at a different time of day let's go a bit further and in my Terenez Bridge post I mentioned I'd go back in the Autumn once the leaves had dropped and that would then open up the Bridge to better you can even bring thinking about the season you'd want to bring in. So revisit places, go when the weather is different, time of day, season, change the focal length of your lens...have a few moments pre-visualising and then go and nail it...
Some in-camera multi shots with a new bit of LR to CC processing I'm working on and there is a new gallery Jeux now on the site Every now and then when one of my images goes off into the world to become the background to a host of fonts and graphics and emerges blinking and stuttering onto Amazon and the plethora of other European online book sellers sites, I'm informed that my image has been sold. Now then, because of all the forward planning, running things up the flagpole and holding back release until that all important recommendation from Richard and Judy gets buyers wallets loosened well, I never know what the ISBN of the book is, consequently I never get to see the finished item...until now. Now it's always nice to see what happens to pictures once passed on to the cover/graphic here are a couple of ISBNs of books using my snaps... Now then most of the image jiggery pokery is mine the top one is a blokey walking his dog on the beach at Southport and the other is my dear old friend the Gormley sculpture, well one of them from 'Another Place' at that Crosby beach on the Mersey. Both heavy with a banjo sized wallop of Photoshop and if I didn't tell you what they were...well, a million miles away from the original RAW image file. And that's one of the reasons why I like Photography and image making...sometimes you never know what it will look like until it's finished.
From this mornings emails...
Dear David, 'We have removed the following content from Redbubble as a result of having received a complaint from Jaguar Land Rover Limited, the claimed owner or licensee of related intellectual property, and in accordance with Redbubble's IP/Publicity Rights Policy: ' Now this is for an image of the bonnet louvres of an E Type and front view of an X type...not current models in Jaguars line up , not photographed at Jaguars HQ or on land owned by Jaguar or a convention organised by I sent Jaguar PR an email... Dear Jaguar, I recieved this email outlining your insistance on the removal of 2 images of older model Jaguar vehicles. Is this a new company policy to trawl the internet in search of images of your cars and then have them removed?? Now on your behalf I have just done a Google search for 'Jaguar Cars' and been given 61,800,000 page results which is probably the tip of the ice-berg if we then start to consider Youtube which has 695,000 videos just for Jaguar Car and then trawl social media, car owner clubs, car dealerships...I reckon there will be a lot of images of Jaguar / Land Rovers out there. Now I can help, for a considerable fee I can act on your behalf and insist all these images be taken down , it may take some time, I have time...let's do this together, I'm not sure what this would do for your Global image but heck..I charge a lot so one of us will be happy and maybe not too pissed off that some Global manufacturing Giant has flexed it's corporate muscle to remove 2 images that at most, were seen by 600 people and that an online image library that I have work on has singularly failed yet again to grow some.... I look forward to your reply I feel better now Oh here is a link to one of the it before it's gone Jaguar As it is raining here in Brittany i thought it would be a good time to have a bit of trial and experimentation in some of the softeware I've got loaded up in this machine. So first off I have been in Analog Pro FX 2 part of the very usable but maybe not useful package of Nik software from Google. Works in both Lightroom and Photoshop and has the capability of creating custom filter presets and saving them and now I find that I can export them as here are 3 I worked on this morning. ![]()
Okay if you are running Nik software then just download to your desktop or downloads file and add them through the imported dialogue box on the Nik Analogue FX Pro 2 interface thingy...may try this with lightroom and Photoshop.... have fun. Okay just tried this and it will put the files straight into your downloads, just have Analogue pro open then add them through the + button on your imported section...
I'm getting my head around how best to use the road system around here now, so many good routes, but which ones to use??? Nipped off to the Crozon penninsula the other day as a break from all the work down on the farm, well it was raining so we thought we'd explore, and as neither of us had been over to Crozon we though we'd toddle off there. So lots of excellent places to get some images from found and then we came across the Terenez Bridge. Supports in the shape of the greek letter Lambda and a crazy curved suspension bridge with access points all over the place. From the banks of the river I'll go back in Autumn once the leaves have dropped, as this will open out the view more. Now the light was a bit grim but that's never a reason not to take a snap so here are a few in camera multi shots from there. Gone for a 16 x 9 crop, 6 in camera exposures, light was so naff they were almost mono anyway so just helped them along in LR 5.5
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories