Continuation of my 10 x 10 images, 10 in camera multiple shots on my 10 year old D700. Out at the Abbaye du Relec and on the coast close to St Pol de Leon on a bright warm autumnal day, doing this in conjunction with landscape work shot on the D750 but more of that later.
The images are generated inside the camera with a tweak into mono and a scritch of clarity plus of course a nod back to my days shooting with a Bronica so chopped into Square format, getting to the stage where I can get a Gallery together. More news , cracking on with the 10 x 8 DPP pinhole imaging still going through the hit or miss phase of exposure setting, also waiting for a flat grey day to see if the contrast in the image can be controlled that way...if not back to relearning how to 'pre-flash' the paper, other news and my trusty dear old friend the Canon Pixma 9500 pro mk11 has decided to fold it's arms , stamp it's feet and flash any number of amber warning lights at me, I've had a trawl of this interweb and taking out the cartridge carriage and giving it a scrub behind the ears may solve things....something else to do... Had an experiment using an ND110 and trying to get long exposure ICM work to fit in with the 10 x I tried.. The weather seems set to fair for the next few weeks so out and about doing ND110 long exposure Landscape and Seascape stuff with a few video clips thrown in.
The vagaries and peculiarities of life eh....I used to upload all manner of images to Getty that had a tenuous grip on being actual photographs, taken with a camera of course but with added jiggling, flummery and a dash of artistic licence. Invariably the computer said no...the strap line most often used was 'Quality Issues' it's supposed to look like that..anyway I ceased and desisted and plumped for mildly stretched normality and video clips of obscure things, and both parties settled into a state of mutual affection and now this happens. If you are a 500px member you'll have had an email outlining the proposals to sell your images through Getty off of your 500px portal as long as you agreed...well as most of the images on my 500px site were the ones previously deemed bin fodder by Gettys algorithmic shed of QC, what had I to lose...seems they like them now so looking forward to even lower % returns once 500px have a chomp on my 20% and please be grateful commision from safe out there children, todays bin fodder may be tomorrows fortune |
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories