If you have Photoshop you will find that there are great swathes of it that you'll never use, it's so big, so powerful and if working with Photographs is your thing, well there's enough in there to keep you fully occupied without wandering off into 3D, graphics, design, type....or painting...Now then, I'm running CS6 on this old clunker of a desktop of mine and although I've loaded up maximum RAM and have a host of scratch disks spinning, my graphics card has always adopted the position of reclining on a chaise longue having peeled grapes on tap whilst everything else has been working themselves into a white hot maelstrom of solder melting intensity..until recently that is. So the expiration of said graphics card meant I have had to search about for something that will fit in with this old antique of mine yet pump up the volume on the graphics front and after trawling many a nerdy forum I have this new AMD enhanced GL card carrying it's own ram , quietly flexing it's knotted steel pecs and generally making working in CS6 more yabbadabbado than yabbadabbadon't, I know...get to the point...well I've done some painting in this past but now I feel that I have a machine capable of keeping up with what I want to do and working with me in real time.... so here's the first.... and if we get in lets take a look at that brushwork.... I reckon that this has some legs in the Portrait field and today...after another bout of taking stuff to the local tips...I will crack on. If , at some stage soon, if I manage to get on top of this Chest infection and stop hacking, then I'll start some video tutorial stuff, might be a week or so as my chesticles are still being attacked by whatever Spanish bug I sucked in...... until the next time.....
Just a little nudge here...if you do use any of the techniques and stuff in my videos please add a link back to the tutorial... this is for everyone to try...there's some folk out there not doing it...just like i do share it out.
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories