It's summer so that means summer shows and to be more specific summr car shows, always good for photo opps especially when the sun gets in on the act and gets to work on all that chrome. Chucking it down today so chance to get stuff on ebay and gumtree, i'll post some links later.
Well after all the organising, chivvying and prodding of Manchester Photowalkers I not only get my reward in Heaven but a Lightroom 4 e book from Peachpit.... lots of stuff on the Peachpit site look really useful, have a browse if you have the time. I chose John Lees as the winner who should also be getting his e book soon as well. So I can now draw a veil over the Photowalk proceedings, I probably took on far too much with the tutorials but I think most folk had a good time , not forgetting my appearance on BBC Radio Manchester during the walk.... So I think I might be doing a smattering of mash ups over the next few weeks, something I've done in a half arsed kind of way but after a bit of work I think I'm now capable of knocking out something that dosn't look too shabby.....any how have a good weekend, I'll be getting over excited in York Railway Museum tomorrow, must dig out my old Ian Allen books to see if there are Museum pieces that I saw working back in the '60's.... TTFN
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories