East coast beach down in Suffolk that is just falling into the sea. Strong coastal erosion here on a beach interspersed with great chunks of driftwood. Another flat grey day given a helping hand in Lightroom.
This was another stop off in our 1200 mile trek around England.
Probably best to do a bit of cut and paste for the historical bit......
This very unusual lighthouse resembling a 1940’s sci-fi movie space craft is located on a small groyne in the river mouth at South Shields. It was built in 1882 and was at the mouth of the river before the north and south piers were built. It still acts as a navigational aid to ships entering the River Tyne. So back to wandering around subject matter taking multiple images...in the old days it used to be in the gift of the Nikon D700 to mash them together internally and squirt out a surprisingly usable layered image...but with the Fuji X100v the multiple image option is a tad on the wheezy side so it's multiple shots hoicked through Lightroom or in the above case Camera RAW...must be a decade since I last used that...anyway...just a couple more of these given a spank in Photoshop and placed here for your attention. You do have to love these low sun late autumnal days for the clarity of light it offers. Now that's a road trip...1200 miles around England to see all the folk we have not seen for the past 2 years....it was Covid-19...not being socially outcast....although it seems to be that most folk in England can't be bothered to wear face-masks even in the most crowded of places, seriously crazy....anyway lots of info out there about how airborne viruses infect folk.....
So images , but not many, from around the UK. I just used the Fuji X100V and shot as RAW files and now, surprisingly, uploaded straight into Lightroom as DNG files. It does look like the problems that Adobe had in dealing with X-Trans files seems to have gone although the lens correction algorhythm seems to be a tad strong and leaves a lighter halo around the edges.....so time to bin the free Fuji copy of Capture One and open up a bit more space on the hard drive. Eroding beaches on the Suffolk coast to the Sage in Newcastle and more importantly the Graduation of my Youngest, The cold snap is here this weekend so I now what I'll be doing, with the assistance of the latest iteration of Lightroom Quick it's not raining, allez vite off to the Mull of Galloway and a quick Autumnal wander around the Logan Botanic Gardens. Maybe not the best time of year to visit but I could imagine the narrow roads being choked during the summer months. So a few captures from a glorious autumn day here in the Southern tip of Scotland.
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories