Well back from the land of Brexit in one piece with a hard drive chock full of stuff. Took all the gear with me but surprisingly I ended up just using the old faithful D700....a nifty fifty and a B+W ND 110 which was off and on the lens constantly ....and that's it...bit of guesswork on focussing when the auto failed to cope with the lighting conditions and ND filter . I captured a combination of landscape and buildings using ICM and multi imaging, the in camera multiples set to 5
Now as I've been working with this technique I've noticed how my processing has altered and I'm now rejecting some image combinations in favour of a more 'softer' final image. Just a note all these images are created from only 2 image files...it may change , everything is flexible but I'm now really getting a very good understanding of how to look for then process the image files. Will pass it on once I've let it all run it's course. Anyway some images from the most recent trip.
Now you're probably wondering why Monoprints would be on a photographic blog but stick with me. Over winter I've been exploring different ways of making images, some success but outweighed by a bin full of failures. a good way of learning, best not to dwell on them rather learn from those that work.
So from Linocutting to Acrylic painting to Monoprinting and besides some good images produced with Lino cutting, rank failure with normal Acrylic work and then onto Monoprinting. Well the University of Youtube provided me with some great material to learn from Dan Tirels who through his videos showed what is possible using old shopping bags, pizza boxes and an immense amount of talent. I could muster 2 out of 3 and in my own way worked on my own style of mono printing which does involve old shopping bags , torn paper a Gelli plate and a bin full of failures. Throughout all this artwork I've been listening to a constant stream of music not least Nickel Creek and Punch Brothers Now in doing this abstract layered imagery it got me to think about what could be possible with photographic images if treated in an abnormal fashion which led me on to all the recent 2019 images I've been posting on this website. So if you are out there and creativity is giving you a wide berth get those synapses pinging by trying something different and maybe that will lead you on to seeing and producing things in a different way |
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories