Wide angle panoramas chucky...from Camera Raw to Photoshop and let the software do all the work for you.....you'll end up with stuff like this.... This is how to do synchronised fettling of your files before flipping them over to Photoshop and then letting the software do all the hard work....
No, I'm not speaking in tongues, metadata, it's there, use it...find things..discover your default shooting modes...filter things out and discover where those missing files are...no script or editing on this video tutorial, just a big sackful of useful things that can be accessed through your library Module and your metadata filter The Lurgi is in me, don't come too close to the screen and whatever you do don't lick the monitor when this page is up... So I've had a randomly slow trawl through what the web has offered up to me today and , in the style of something being pre-digested and regurgitated for your perusal...I will begin.
Retro... bereft of originality the first stop off for any designer is to trawl through the past and re-invent something that has long since passed it's sell by date..we are in the realms of the emergence of design features long since discarded by the progress of technology and our need to aquire the latest shiny precious, I am talking about the chunky , clunky, carved from metal SLR body shape and controls from the 60's and 70's. Every manufacturer is launching new tech, well newish tech in some cases, wrapped up in a carapace of Retro design features, each accompanied by an eye watering and wallet emptying price tag. Now , I'll name names. Fuji, coming to an internet supplier soon is a take on the old ST705 body http://weeder.org/rLHW7VH chunky, square jawed and , I think I will lose all my PC credibility with this....manly! Nikon, the Nikon Df , chunky, square jawed...you know the rest...but oh my ,HOW MUCH!!!!! http://www.calumetphoto.co.uk/INTERSHOP/web/WFS/Calumet-UK-Site/en_GB/-/GBP/ViewContent-Start?PageletEntryPointID=page.land.nikondf&cm_mmc=PPC-Nikon-DF Okay it includes a lens... Pentax OMD EM-5 (see above) http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/olympusem5 mind you price is a bit better Sony A7 (see, see above) http://www.jessops.com/online.store/categories/products/sony/alpha-a7-compact-system-camera-28-70mm-lens-89678/show.html Canon well still under a white cloth but on it's way http://www.canon-ci.co.kr/microsite/event/201311/index.jsp Okay more names could be named but lets have a look at this retro thing.... Nikon Df £2,749 with a lens...that's a lot of moolah...so here's an alternative.... What if you really went retro jumped in and got a Nikkormat FT2 from the time that all these Retro design clues are being hoicked from... maybe one for £134 including post and packing..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NIKON-NIKKORMAT-FT2-35mm-Camera-Case-f2-50mm-Nikon-Lens-1975-/310795763848?pt=UK_Photography_VintageCameras_SM&hash=item485cdf0088 You have all that Retro chunkiness, metal on metal knobs to twiddle and £2615 to spend on film, dev and scanning...yep I'm going to take you up to some High end .Fine Dining lab work here at Ilford so dev 7x5 prints and a high res scan comes to £26 and a roll of 36 exp film comes in at weighs in at £6 approx...on amazon which from your change on not buying the Nikon Df will allow you to shoot 82 rolls of film,,,,,,, and colour film dev and High res scan bobs along at £10.00 with a roll of 36 exp being about £7 so 17 into £2615 approx 154 x 36 exposures...... 5500 shots...... thats a lot of images..... So if you shoot once or twice a week or maybe only whip out your camera on those special occasions when the cat falls asleep on the dog or if your kids are walking about in your size 10 shoes then have a real think about what gear suits your needs...film is still with us and probably always will be and of course you could go banshee bonkers and do all your own dev and scanning...... Well there we have it folks, the results are in, phone lines are now closed and the golden envelope is about to be opened and.....I can hear a drum roll...I havn't won..tumbleweed time but what's this, after the Lord Mayors show comes the first batch of losers and blow me , I'm in there, my natural habitat, top 10 finish and maybe, just maybe a bag of swag to rifle through, but I'm not holding my breath until I get an email from RC telling me to 'hit the yes button' I f that happens then I'll spread out some of the bountious wealth amongst the folk who came on the walk...maybe a Christmas do if we are lucky..again please don't hold your breath..stuff may come or it may just dwindle.... so here is the page to see what won..are those verticals correct???? hmmmm http://scottkelby.com/2013/announcing-the-winner-of-my-2013-worldwide-photo-walk-leaders-contest/ and, if you havn't cast your peepers on it, this is my entry... A 7 shot wide angle panorama in the Turkish Bath at the Victoria Baths in Manchester with Laura Norrey dropped into the doorway. So there we have it, Great Venue, lots of lovely Photo folk and some almost winners in there as well..not bad as we were up against 25,000 other snappers on the day.... oh and maybe some prizes to have a play with...
I suppose falling into things whilst setting out to do something else happens to all of us once in a while. Sitting here in the 'Dark Months' ploughing through dormant files can sometimes lead to other things and that's where some of my most recent work has come from. I had in mind the Solute gallery a while back and that was to take architectural shapes and see where I could take them with the parameters only being vertical format and 'without color' as Getty calls black and Whites...and then I thought that the addition of color would give things a different feel and then thought, 'Why am I restricting this to Architecture'?..and looked at what could be achieved by looking at landscape and something that I rarely do and that is sunsets.... so I went from this to this.... ..and it was just a question of one thing leading into another..there was no thought of landscapes in the original project but things happen, the happy accident, pushing something in a different direction... and achieving Serendipity , that unexpected bonus. So in these 'Dark Months' let your imagination run off for a gambol through the hills of post production, take off the limiters and see if 'happy accidents' take you and your images somewhere else. So why not a 'no colour landscape' as well...Dunstanburgh in the North east.
back home, well for the moment, lots of images in the can but at the moment not a lot of time to get them organised and sorted... I'd forgotten how much I love Brittany and it's varied coast and countryside. Lots of meetings and looks like next year is going to be a bit of an adventure over there in France, so I have a lot of planning to get through over the next few months which will mean reactivating a lot of dormant brain cells, may be too late for some of them. I'll start posting stuff later but went to a 'local' sculpture park..it was quite breathtakingly bonkers...the North and South coasts..lovely Huelgoat and Morlaix and bantered up and down the N164 turning left and right occasionally..loads of fun, met lots of nice folk and a a few brits as well... expect a bit of French to start creeping into the blogs as well , ha, my old french teacher would be looking up to the heavens and zoot aloring until la vache came home...yep...long way to go.....
Okay just a quickie today...Hello to all you new folks who have bobbed in, loads of you yesterday and I, of course, thank you from the heart of my bottom for having a browse through some of the stuff I do. Well I'd like to say I'm all set for the ferry to France, yep, I'd really like to but time is at a premium and I think it will be a late one tonight. The plan is to take a leisurely drive down to the south Coast bobbing in to some places of interest but I reckon we are in for a screaming banshee ride down the M6 and M5.
Sorted out in my head how I want some of the mini projects I want to do in France out in my head..countryside..autumn...big open spaces..I'll mix them all up and see what falls out of the Nikon at the end of it all...so if wifi is not available I'll see you in about 12 days time, keep snapping.. So well done to Matt , still think it's better than half of the top ten ones but he does get a name check and honorable mention from Scott Kelby and RC Concepion If you click here and scroll forward to 8 min 15 you'll see his great shot from the day. Still think it should have ben up there as a top tenner...ah well. So the leaders comp opened yesterday and I sent in this one, full of wackiness... probably 'too much' to be a winner but you never know, if you don't buy a ticket you'll never win the raffle... it's got a few more views overnight so someone is watching..
Well the weather looks like it will be whipping up the channel into a frothing maelstrom...bugger, getting the overnight from Plymouth to Roscoff and it's 8 hours in the dark... still will plop off on the other side for a coffee and croissant before stopping off in Morlaix at the market,, I love Brittany to pieces but have never had a decent camera to give it a going over, we'll skate over the Fuji S3 as I changed lenses on the beach and sanded up the sensor good and proper...doh!!!! So unless there is some wifi freebie going on over there then I'll be just concentrating on snapping for 10 days...hmmm autumn in France...leafless Poplar avenues..hmmm empty Chateaux... probably pleut tojouring as well but will be fully wet weather geared up... now then back to youtube and the next part of conversational French for Dummies... as you are my regular reader, god bless you, you'll know from previous posts my desire to cut down on all the sites I post too, well I think I'm there now, I've cut out the 'all you can eat for 10 credits' places and some of the less than vigorous Image libraries where I've just left things to stew about and then there are the ones I've forgotten about..and one of these is 500px. Okay, it has it's visual limitations for me, looks like everything has been so highly polished you can sometimes hardly see the bare bones of the image underneath for all that polish..and I know, yes I do, that folk do like the style and digital feel of that ouevre of image production. But for me they sometimes look like they have had all the personality 'airbrushed' out of them, you know I'm a big fan of the shooter's personality being part of the image making process...anyway...I didn't realise that you can use this site, 500px to load up full res images to sell...so I'm going to hoick a few on and run them up the flagpole to see which way the wind blows you can have a wander around here
Other news is that the price for the new retro Nikon Df have been announced, well back to lottery tickets and crossed fingers then or maybe some sparkling sales off of that 500px will zizz things along a bit.....yeh right.... Camera Porn...tech lust, yes I know..a few posts back I warbled on about how technology takes precedence over thinking and I'll stick by it. Nice to have the shiny precious in your bag, that little silica gel bag still fresh no bumps or scuffs, spend half the day stroking it and the other half showing it off...yep it's nice to have something like that and I'm getting to the stage where i need a permanent back up/ main new camera body... now not so long ago when I did weddings and the 'social' side of this photography lark...yes suck it in 'I DID WEDDINGS' well I used to go on the buy it now section of that ebay and get a body or kit use it and then stick it back on after the job was done...far cheaper that renting and I think over the years I did it..broke even or thereabouts..try it you just have to be sharp and frosty well anyway I have been on a wander looking for what I should do kit wise to keep me in the game for the next 3 or 4 years so if I was looking for something new I'd be hankering after a Nikon Df supposed to have the same sensor as the D4 and no video but in a chunky mechanicalesque body, suits me but probably a yabadabadoo price tag. Still get moisty eyed when I think back to buying my 'made from girders' Nikkormat FT2 with its unburstable 50mm f2 on the front back in '75...was that nearly 40 years ago... from a camera shop in West Brom that was near my old college's art block..okay less of the good old days...and the other way I've been thinking of doing is going over to the Fuji X-Pro1 system..until this morning that is when rumour has it that production has stopped, warehouses are being cleared and the X Pro-2 will be amongst us next year. Now I'm also an ex Fuji boy having cut my digital teeth on the magnificent Fuji S3 and stepping back a few more years I had the Fuji GSW 690 now that was one of the crispest image making machines known to man especially as I had the SW version...mmmmmm..I've just gone a bit sepia toned.... but you know what..even after all this lusting and slathering over new tech the one camera body I'd get to add to my kit is...a Nikon D700...it does everything I want and survives everthing I throw at it and 12 mpix is more than enough for my clients hmmmm but a Nikon DF...hmmmmm
Phone contact is up and I can upgrade to the OMFG Nokia 1020..but...I won't until after next week as I jaunt around Europe and see which way the wind is blowing...it will be more than fun if not a wee bit scary..life changing it might well be... I seem to be typing in Yoda..many coffees I will now drink yeeeessss... If I didn't have my little creative bursts then I wouldn't be able to cope with all the'mundane' images I churn out for Image Library consumption. At the moment I'm playing it safe with correct verticals, clean, well color balanced and nothing that might frighten the horses. My creative side though is probably something that would indeed scare the animals and give some folk the vapours, so I guess at the moment 85% of my time is spent cleaning , cataloguing and keywording whilst I give my self 15% of my working week over to some marmite based barmcakiness, heads full of it by the way so I won't be stopping soon so you've seen these I put up last week and here are a couple from yesterday... So these are shot using a Daylight balanced light with a Nikon 105mm at f4, I like widish aperture portraits especially when they end up as barking as this. Got some book cover work to do this week so expect axes and billhooks and maybe some 1940@s based stuff and then it's off to France.......wooohooo.....
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories