...not like Kylie of course but underneath the dome of The Trafford Centre parked on the outer edges of Manchester. Having a poke around in to all my hard drives with a big feather duster and brush and dustpan binning unusable files as i go...1000's destined for digital heaven.
Anyhow this is a stack of 15 images shot with a 20mm on the D750 as I gently shuffle rotated underneath the Dome of Retail Joy.... The space opened up on all the drives will hopefully give the scratch disks a bit more ooomph when used with Photoshop, bumped up the Ram to 16gb as well in preparation for this coming winters image processing winter sojourn...next up animated Gifs
Fete weekend but someone forgot to book the right kind of weather..so the outdoor Portrait Studio had it's own little gazebo although the wind meant it had to be tied down to 2 cars....Breezy.
So it was a simple set up, Yonguo 568 11 with a Yongnuo wireless trigger set up shooting through a white brolly..with the camera on manual at 200 iso and F5.6 at 1/250th using a Nikon 70-200 F4 on a Nikon D750 shooting tethered into Lightroom. HSS used to kill any of the overcast fuggy drizzly ambient light, Flash above head height just off to the left facing downwards..giving a hint of Rembrandt shadowing across the face. The laptop was set up in front of the sitters so they had an instant view of what the wacky english bloke was up to...had a rowing boat chain and anchor to hold down the flash stand as the wind was whistling at this time....eeeeehhhmmm black sheet as a backdrop and as a novelty for me...Autofocus on...I know....autofocus.... So here is a selection of images of the good folk of Kernevez, a weekend of food, drink, breton singing and some bloke with a flashgun , a camera and a boat anchor.. At this moment in time I should be outside with the rest of the Villagers doing a bit of French Chuckle brothering 'A moi ...a vous'...with the Marquees for this weekends Village Fete, so some of us will be up at 6 in the morning getting them up and striking a lot of damp matches getting the barbeque flaming in time to get this little pig the send off it deserves...meh....it really is raining, this is Monts d'Arree rain, it takes no prisoners and laughs at the challenge of a parapluie ...and the forecast is even worse for Saturday..still I've copied and printed village maps, old photos blown them all up to A3+ and with the help of the current wife have white painted boards and attached aforementioned printed items to them, even set up the Photo Booth with added tethered shooting into Lightroom so folk get to see what their rictus gurning appears to other folk, before relaxing and /or laughing at themselves as I catch some quick unguarded moments...then scuttle off to print them...so all set up , what to do????
I know , I'll have a trawl through some long forgotten Hard Drives and have a concerted faff so...here are some never before seen snaps from the coast at Blackpool...exported as layers from Lightroom Into Photoshop ..a wiffle of Photoshop flim flam and done...no, I'm not here to waffle along in Photoshop bollocks today, just working out which one of the Chuckle brothers is me and which one is my 'voisin, Serge. Like an ageing Rockstar or a Boy band devoid of boyishness but blessed with a huge back catalogue of hits, it's often good to get a reminder of your finest moments, even better if these materialise as hard sales...okay downloads these days but there are those of us who remember sending off a package of Kodachrome slides to image libraries, checking the post for statements/ rejections/ a package of kodachromes, well thumbed but in the 'Not needed on this Voyage' category.
So I have my greatest hits, Images that sell and then sell again...now I'm not talking micro stock...I have one image that has it's own life on microstock, fluttering about being downloaded but when the downloads cost about 0.05 cents it's really not worth mentioning (I know...I just have...) So the image above and the one below have been licensed throughout the western World , different areas and for different lengths of time, mainly for book covers,,,now I've been told that I need to do more images in this style...suprisingly I have agreed, but whether they will appear on this website....well they will have to topple the 2 greatest hits images from their singular lofty perch...that will depend on me, the boyish ageing rockstar of photography being around long enough to wistfully remember what constitutes one of my greatest hits |
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories