Oh yes I had that is until Ian Dickinson on Facebook posted some Photoshop Twirlers which had me jumping straight into Photoshop and , using the image above, swigged a glass of creative juice and set about...well creating. Now I have to say you can possibly set this up as an action , load a photo and press go and all will be done whilst you sit back with your hands behind your head, probably like me humming The Baked Potato song... But what if that envelope was pushed a bit further... Now there are plenty of training vids on that Youtube so I'm not doing one but I have given you a screen shot of how the finished video is produced It all looks more complicated than it actually is....no hissing and booing or throwing things now...I suppose a video might be in order....anyway it's just the worked on image opened in a time line...dragged out a bit and then, using pan in the dialogue box set to motion...which looks like this Right these seedlings wont pot themselves on and I have some Paul Klee type paint splashing planned. Any questions.....
Rain, we all remember when it used to rain all the time before Covid 19 changed everything, But just as the curve starts to flatten the rain returns, New found freedom from hosepiping all the new plants and seedlings wooohooo, so what better way to use this than to lock and load the D750 and take a wander along a country lane. The Road to Pinwherry, one of Bob Hopes and Bing Crosbys least known road movies....anyway one of those spring mornings when the rising sun in the east met with grey clouds in the west. So mainly wild flowers with added stark spring landscape...stay safe out there mes amis.
A quickish walk along the Water of Gregg here in the village, mainly punctuated by Ewes and Lambs castigating us and sending us on our way. Low sun and not much cloud cover with the added bonus of so many wildflowers poking out through the undergrowth...some of which I've never seen before or, which is more probably the case, have forgotten about in the fugg of old age. So some sunlit macro shots from along the riverbank. Stay safe out there.
Showing my age now, yes I was pointing a camera at things way back then and this little slice of history dates back to 1977, the Queens Silver Jubilee, you can see they painted the top of Blackpool Tower Silver....woooohoooo.
Now these are all Ektachrome shot with a Bronica S2a 80mm Nikkor standard lens and exposure with a Weston master IV which is in another box somewhere. So the ravages of time have not been kind to some of them but besides a bit of spotting in Lightroom these are all 100 % original. In those days the thought of bracketing exposures or shooting multiple shots of one image were a big no-no mainly due to the costs, after all I was doing my summer job working on the Parks department and the wages were hardly astronomical and I had to feed the Cibachrome habit.... I have ring binders of 2 1/4 negatives as well which have suffered over the years, maybe if it's a grim winter I will invest some time in them So this is a slice of what Blackpool promenade was like back in the day. Next post will be how I made a large format slide copier out of an old ipad, tracing paper, some cardboard and the spirit of 'this is one I made earlier' Blue Peter style. It's a funny thing taking over a new garden, well especially in winter. What lies beneath? So we have been patient and cracked on with removing all the Thug plants we could find, well not all but a lot! I've pushed forward on the Hard landscaping as we all seem to have lots of time at home at the moment.... So thought I would go out and record where all the spring plants were popping up and this turned into a macro shoot then a macro video shoot and ...well it is a bank holiday, I sat down and jimmied them into some semblance of order as a video...now it was lovely and sunny when I shot this but now I've just heard the crack of thunder out there...Bank Holidays eh!! Oh I've rendered this at 720 youtube so the quality might be a bit off but keeps the file size smaller. Shooting info, Nikon D750 Manual mode SS 1/50th. 1080p at 25fps, Nikkor 105 Micro Iso 100..Lightroom to Photoshop CC. Oh and I didn't use the Gimbal or slider for this as I need to get my head around those bits of kit again. C'est le bon moment pour terminer tous ces projets. Vérifiez vos disques durs et voyez ce qui s'y cache.
C'est d'une époque antérieure à l'auto-isolement, lorsque nous avons socialisé et que le soleil brillait. Un moment de plaisir, un temps entre amis Fête de Kernevez. |
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