Thought the BBC said we were set for a dose of Hot weather?.... I'll do a breakdown on settings for doing the timelapse stuff next week, just another busy day down here in the bunker. Just had another set of images optioned for book covers very similar to these but without the texture work... New work flow seems to be paying some dividends as Getty, Alamy and Trevillion are accepting everything I chuck in their direction, just get out there guys and flog some, I've got this Lotus eating, grape peeling, flunkied and aspirational life style over in France to immerse myself into...oh hang on ..I should have said painting, decorating, digging and fixer uppering... and then put 'in ten years time...' in front of Lotus eating... I'm on the Red Hot Java Lava today and my heart is bouncing around in my chest like an Alien wannabee but appears to be providing the requisite boost to my mental faculties.
Right lots of shopping , picking stuff up, paying stuff in and new specs to fit on my wonky conk and cock eyed's driven many an opthalmic assistant straight to the iso propyl alcohol over the decades. Until the next time or if this weather persists,I'll see you on Noahs Ark , you'll find me in the bowels of the vessel shovelling more guano like this.
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What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories