Not everything I photograph ever gets to see the light of day, they end up tucked away in the crevices of hard-drives... I have latent images on many a roll of 120 film, XP2, NPS and the like...they are in there just not tangible, so, time to dust off the printer and create, in my office, one enormous mood board because, dear reader, the little grey cells need a reminder of the possibilities of capturing light with a photographic device and as my age in cat years is now elevelty twevlty, a static reminder of things created will hopefully get those synapses riffing and I can create some free form visual Jazz... If you have been taking note of any of this old guff I alluded to the fact that 120 roll film is knocking about in undeveloped quantities. For a long time I shot with a Bronica S2a..waist level finder, standard lens a mighty thwack as the shutter curtain did it's stuff..all pretty simple stuff so seeing square is part of my visual heritage..why don't major camera body manufacturers have a 1:1 crop mode??...4:3, 3:2 and 5:4 are out there why not 1:1. So you're left with cropping in software, as seen on yesterdays posting. So as a way of me getting those cranky old photographic muscles stretched , here are some 1:1 crop, hand held ICM black and white shots at Salford Quays in Manchester. 20mm, f16, 100 iso, 8 second exposure, ND110 filter, Mono and crop in Lightroom 5.7. I also mentioned before capturing the light which is a big step away from recording the scene, I'll let you ponder that one and stick these images on
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