Apparently there is nothing to get in a flap about, no sireee, all those Romanian Spambots are doing what they do and just get on with it and stop sending us emails about it as really there's no need to panic , no siree bob..... 'Don't Panic' okay so I'll ignore all the Eastern european Chat rooms and naughty site stuff then that seems to hanker after my feed page..not panicking , everything is alright , I'll just look through my fingers for a while and hope it all goes away.
So it seems I have a dollop of freshly cropped images waiting to be sent on their way to Image libraries and the ones that might frighten the Horses and give fragrant women the vapours onto here and flickr. So....shooting with the old and very dependable D700 as the D750 runs out of breath after 3 multi in camera exposures, another bit of under engineering there Mr Nikon, so this next lot are 4 shot in camera multiple images...autofocus on for a change, 50mm f1.8 ( new one, the other died of sand contagion,,,nasty) aperture priority and off we go. Oh next batch will be the Giacometti Exhibition shots, so good I've been more than once.
So all done in camera no crop but with a hefty wodge of clarity in Lightroomm CC...get out there...get snapping
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What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories