For not only having decent weather whilst the rest of the country seemed to be under water but for reminding me what a stunning piece of scenery you really are. Shaking my head that it was 5 years ago since I'd last been, that was Fuji S3 and Tokina 12-24 time and more improbably just shooting Jpegs....aye caramba!!!! Covered a lot of the coast and paths from Amroth around to St Davids , would have been handy to have taken my walking boots and not have left them in Stockport, maybe the over trousers would have been useful instead of leaving those behind as well...old age...I've said it before, don't grow old, it's a buggar. Still the weather held up on most days, had a couple of comedy unbrella moments but a 1,000 RAW files in the can and a leisurely pace to get them processed and upped online.
Also nice to come back and find that places on the course had been booked , I was beginning to wonder if I would be speaking to myself for a couple of hours..... off on the promotional trail now that I'm back in the Post process saddle. Thanks to everyone who has also booked on the mini toots for the upcoming World Wide Photowalk, I'll be sorting out those this afternoon and working out how many places are left, 45 minutes of free tutorial time available if you book on the 3 modules...I think I'll be cream crackered at the end of it all.... So I'd better get stuck in to all these files, still have a bucket load from 2 weeks ago...suppose I'll have to listen to the cricket then
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