The Tik-Tok hype around the Fuji X100v has done a couple of up the price of this little thing and also make it as scarce as an honest Cabinet minister, but it's one thing to have the 'must have' point and shooter, the other is to wring out all the juice inside this compact and complex machine.
So I've had mine for 3 years now, the initial learning curve was a steep, X-trans files and Adobe not being the best of bedfellows but there was the amorphous mess of Capture One to get to know, maybe I was too much of a newbie to that package of software but it seemed to me to have an intuitive bypass...anyhow Lightroom has now moved forward considerably and, at last, makes a good partnership with the X100v....I know beginning to ramble. So, I have being using the X100v for stock shooting, Getty seemed to get on well with files but Adobe Stock always threw them back with a 'Technical issues' rider attached...arghhh. Nikon Z6ii hove into view and all issues solved so for the last 18 months , when I've had the time, it's been out and about with the Nikon with the feint whimpers of the Fuji being heard from a zipped up camera bag so as the question at the top says, 'But what to do with the X100v ??? Because it's internal processing is exemplary I have decided to shoot just Jpegs and there are formidable film simulation apps inbuilt and an array of doohickeys to enable, not forgetting I have ND1000 and CPL filters to chuck into the mix. So a quick wander shooting in 'Social Media friendly' square format and just the Toy Camera function enabled, I also set the aperture at F8, shutter at 1/60th and let the ISO automatically square the triangle, next time will be different but for now this is what I saw.
1 Comment
David Johnson
3/5/2024 07:07:59 pm
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