At the moment every time I take a trip out around this pretty spectacular French countryside I get '2 Brain syndrome' brain is seeing the potential shot, the light the angles, time of day, color, mono...the other is telling me ICM, in camera multi, Infra Red, ND110, time lapse may have it as a way it's quite healthy but I do have to do one thing and that is keep my finger off the trigger, stow that camera in the bag and take a big breath in and amalgamate all this Photographic input into some coherent plan and , as older readers of this flannel may have noted, do some coherent visual story telling... I find that I will better represent subject matter if I go back fo a second visit and that most images taken on a first shoot almost act like a sketchbook, I can look at them and analyse angles, if they would look better at a different time of day let's go a bit further and in my Terenez Bridge post I mentioned I'd go back in the Autumn once the leaves had dropped and that would then open up the Bridge to better you can even bring thinking about the season you'd want to bring in. So revisit places, go when the weather is different, time of day, season, change the focal length of your lens...have a few moments pre-visualising and then go and nail it...
Some in-camera multi shots with a new bit of LR to CC processing I'm working on and there is a new gallery Jeux now on the site
1 Comment
What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories