Back all those years ago when social media was still in nappies and the way to get your stuff out there was 'Photo Sharing' sites, I started with a Shutterchance site and , as is they way of things, started getting noticed by the great and the good (and the odd), why not have a Flickr account one of my contacts said...maybe a 500px site.....and so on....throw in the lightroom/photoshop learning curve and all your time is suddenly dedicated to feeding the monsters and getting those all important likes..... Lets chuck some back history in here...I've been taking photographs and more importantly to me creating images for over 50 years now...50....what happened?? From 10 x 8 cibachromes to half frame to point and shoot onwards to the digital revolution and finally Full-frame digital, it has been fun...and this is where a problem starts to rear its your motivation to create an image to be liked, for that important thumbs up and gushing comment????? Is your creativity curbed by the need to feed your ever increasing group of ardent followers? Would you run back to conformity if your most recent image had the Tumbleweed treatment? (lot of question marks in this post) I binned my first flickr was out of reposting of images..comments likes, questions, companies wanting to use my work as " the exposure would be beneficial to me" which meant no cash was forthcoming of I had a flickr account, do things that I found a challenge and start my own site, hop onto Image Library sites and let the paying customer decide if my image hits the mark. So to now and Instagram has become a video site, facebook the home of inanity (is that a word)? but if you are not at all bothered by likes then there is an option....Google get the views without the guff. Phone or doesn't matter really, just images relevant to where you are and you can add places as well. Okay lots of drivel to read through but I find it so much better than sharing sites and social media and then of course there are the views of your images.... thanks for getting this far everyone Oh and on average 42,000 views every month from all my cost, no hassle, no brainer.
#maxblackphotos #maxblack #bugleblog.
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What's all this then????An unyeilding torrent of Photo babbel full of unconfirmed facts and manufactured photo drivel.. take from it what you like, it won't change the world but may leave you feeling nauseous... Categories